01 FAQ What is Scoutship?
Scoutship is an online resource aiming to assist NSO/NSA structures to better manage adults in Scouting. It is also a resource for adults in Scouting and others to better understand how to support youth programme implementation, build quality leadership, support organisational structures and create positive adult (volunteer) experience. Many of the topics on Scoutship have wider application than just for Scouting purposes.
02 FAQ What can I find here?
Scoutship’s online resources offer a variety of short interconnected content related to Adults in Scouting and the Adult Life Cycle. It also offers useful tools, training templates, and internal and external resources in one spot. It suggests a variety of learning pathways to address more complex needs..
03 FAQ Do I have to register to use it?
You don’t have to register to use Scoutship. However, you may register for the updates and become part of the Scoutship community.
04 FAQ How can I use it if I am not a Scout?
You can use it the same way as Scouts. For easier understanding, you can use the support of the Glossary of Terms for External Scoutship users.
05 FAQ On average, how long will it take me to read a specific Scoutship piece of content?
Every content piece has been designed to take only a few minutes to read. It all depends on the topic and the depth to which you want to explore the topic. Some may take only a short time, others may take 5 to 10 minutes to read depending on how deep you want to go and gain in understanding. The hyperlinks that take a topic much further are located at the bottom of the page. We invite you to explore and ‘dive’ into the topic.
01 FAQ Do I need the approval of my NSO / NSA to be able to access and download content from Scoutship?
You don’t need any approval to be able to access and download the Scoutship content. However be mindful, that the content is protected and any reproduction is authorized to National Scout Organizations and Associations which are members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. Credit for the source must be given.
02 FAQ Can I use Scoutship on my phone and computer at the same time?
You may use Scoutship simultaneously on any device which has an online connection and internet browser. It has been set-up for use with mobile phone, tablet and desktop applications. Howevert, the use of this is not interconnected in a way that you will see on the smartphone what you have opened on your computer.
03 FAQ Can I download only a small part of the content I am interested in?
You may download small pieces of content individually by clicking the “download” button on the bottom of the page.
04 FAQ How can I download the whole Scoutship content?
You may download the whole content by clicking “full content” in the Volumes Menu or you may choose various versions (pdf, Kindle, ePUB) in the “Scoutship on the go” menu.
05 FAQ How does the Learning Path work?
The Learning Path is a special feature of the Scoutship. It offers pre-set content for advanced Adults in Scouting users to deepen understanding, develop skills and explore some examples. It is a pathway to navigate through the content if you are undergoing a specific task or mission, or seeking specific content for a specific purpose, such as how to organise adult support structure or how to keep volunteers in Scouting.
06 FAQ Is there a way I can view what content I have already accessed?
At the moment this feature is not available. However, further refinement to enable personal settings and improve user experience will be coming soon.
07 FAQ How does Scoutship cater for those with vision or hearing impairment?
The operation system of the device supports vision and hearing impairment and other physical, learning and literacy requirements. Scoutship does not foresee any additional tools or features.
Offline and Downloading
01 FAQ What do I do to save content for use in a training environment?
You are able to download specific content by clicking the “download” button on the bottom of the page. You can save for future training use, noting that content is protected and any reproduction is authorized to NSOs/NSAs, while crediting the original source.
02 FAQ What kinds of documents can I download during a session?
You can download each piece of content separately by clicking the “download” button on the bottom of the page.
03 FAQ What if I don't have an internet connection?
Internet connection is required for online browsing and using the features of the Scoutship. However, you may download the whole content and browse in “offline” mode.
04 FAQ How do I know if the content is updated or new information is published?
All updates and new information will be announced through the Scoutship updates. Please follow the updates through WOSM channels.
Where to find
01 FAQ How can I find the content I am looking for?
The fastest way is to type in a keyword in ‘search’. The internal search engine will search content in the Scoutship and display all content that includes the keyword.
02 FAQ Where is the handbook version?
As Scoutship is a digital resource, it has no traditional handbook format. However, you may download the whole resource and you will receive a digital version with a cover page and content that is sorted according to the volumes in the online version.
03 FAQ How can I access the Learning Path?
The Learning Path is accessible if you scroll down on the ‘entrance’ page. Once there, you may select from the learning paths displayed.
04 FAQ Where can I follow the Scoutship updates?
All updates and new information will be announced through the Scoutship updates. Please follow the updates through WOSM channels.
01 FAQ How can I share a new idea for particular content that may be useful to others?
You may do that by sending your idea or contribution in an e-mail to scoutship@scout.org The Scoutship editorial team will review the proposal and depending on the decision, add it to the Scoutship. Be mindful of the length of your contribution (max 6000 characters with spaces) and the credibility of the contribution. In case of using others’ work please make sure the source is credited.
02 FAQ How can I contribute to the Hammer & Nails Toolkit?
You may do that by sending your proposal in an e-mail to scoutship@scout.org The Scoutship editorial team will review the proposal and depending on the decision, add it to the Scoutship. Be mindful of the format used in the Hammer & Nails Toolkit (Why, What, How and an example) and of crediting the information. The length of your contribution must not exceed 6000 characters with spaces.
03 FAQ How do I reference and cite content?
The best way to give credit to sources you are using is to use footnotes in your content. With footnotes you will be able to numerically mark the sentences or ideas used from another source and the link to that source will appear at the bottom of you page, as a footnote. This way a reader can directly access your source if needed.
Error reporting
01 FAQ The link is not working, what should I do?
You should reach out to: scoutship@scout.org and nicely explain which link is not working. Thank you.
02 FAQ I found a 'typo' in the text, what should I do?
You should reach out to: scoutship@scout.org and nicely explain where the ‘typo’ is exactly. Thank You.