Wood Badge Framework test

Why is it Needed

The Wood Badge Framework contributes to “Better Scouting for more young people” through the permanent improvement of quality training and development for adults involved in the Movement, and by strengthening their sense of unity. It:

  • provides a framework for the training, development and recognition of Adults in Scouting (AiS) regardless of their role.
  • equips AiS with essential competencies at basic and advanced levels to support Scouting in their NSO.
  • fosters a common understanding of the main global principles of AiS and ways in which NSOs might implement them.
  • provides opportunities for AiS to develop their interests and learn new skills as part of the lifelong learning process.
  • strengthens the sense of unity and belonging to the Scout Movement.
What is it

The Wood Badge is a common standard that identifies the level of training and development required by AiS to perform certain roles. This includes the basic levels expected and also those at a more advanced level which lead to the attainment of the Wood Badge. It is an indicator of high-level training competencies, quality training systems, and individual opportunities for development in your NSO. It provides development opportunities for adults to acquire and/or further develop competencies to better perform in different roles/positions in Scouting, and also in other aspects of their lives.

The Wood Badge Framework outlines the essential supporting structure underlying the Wood Badge Training Scheme. It provides NSOs with the theory and practice to represent motivational elements for more adults to join Scouting and increase adult engagement, leading to higher retention in the long run.

The Wood Badge Training Scheme, which is the focus of the Framework, is complemented by other learning and training opportunities that allow AiS to develop their competencies in terms of the knowledge, skills, attitude, and behaviour required for supporting a relevant Scouting experience to young people. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) such as academic achievements, courses, and experiences should be considered in the process of adult training and development.

Wood Badge Scheme

How is it Used

To effectively implement the Wood Badge Framework, you should:

  1. Develop or review the job description and job specification (Requirements) for each role or appointment in your NSO.
  2. Assess the current Wood Badge Training Scheme and/or adult development programme based on needs as per your current National Adults in Scouting Policy.
  3. List the competencies that your NSO considers relevant for all adult positions. Take existing external recognition into account when defining sets of competencies.
  4. Cluster (categorize) the competencies in different Wood Badge programmes, as well as opportunities in areas such as the Youth Programme.
  5. Define the structure(s) and/or team(s) that will be responsible for preparation, implementation, and follow-up.
  6. Establish a system and the procedure to implement the Wood Badge Training Scheme; modular schemes, other areas of development, and different methods of implementation such as e-learning, residential training, experiential learning, etc., are encouraged during this process.
  7. Design and develop evaluation tools and strategies for the Wood Badge Scheme.
  8. Establish learning outcomes and measurable levels of progress and performance of adults participating in Wood Badge programmes.
  9. After design/review, launch a pilot or trial implementation phase to provide an overview and support further improvements.

The Wood Badge Scheme should also act as a tool to assist in the recruitment and retention of adults and should be approached in a flexible and dynamic way. It should be reviewed periodically (e.g. every 5 years), based on the changes in the Youth Programme or AiS.

The Wood Badge is the symbol of recognition granted to all AiS who satisfy the training criteria required. It is awarded when an individual attains a certain level in a given set of competencies. This should be assessed by your NSO according to a recognition and validation system established for this purpose, based on this framework.


You can find an example of the WB Training scheme in Training 101 section.

See also:

Training 101

Adult Training

Wood Badge Framework

Wood Badge Competencies

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