Training 101 Overview

The purpose of this Section is to provide:

  • an example of some standardized training modules for instant use;
  • support for creating some training courses within the NSO Training Scheme;
  • an inspiration to use as a starting point in creating your own training modules.

This Section contains specific modules highlighting the Core topics on the following:

  • Training modules on the  Adults in Scouting Seminar/Workshop
  • Training modules on the Wood Badge Course (Unit Leader Training) for the  Initial, Basic and Advanced levels.
  • Training modules for Assistant Leader Trainers and Leader Trainers
  • Training modules for Leaders of Adults (Commissioners, Group Leaders, and other Adults in Scouting).
Training Modules for Adults in Scouting Workshop/Seminar

The training Modules aims to assist NSOs in implementing the World Adults in Scouting Policy presented in this segment. The NSO will be able to organize a workshop/seminar, to develop/review the National Adults in Scouting Policy.  

Subjects are divided into 6 modules as follows:

  • Module 1: Objectives of the Seminar and Overview of the World Adults in Scouting Policy.
  • Module 2: SWOT Analysis of Adult Resources of the NSO.
  • Module 3: Phase 1: Seeking and Recruiting Leaders.
  • Module 4: Phase 2: Training and Support.
  • Module 5: Phase 3: Performance Appraisal and Decision for the Future.
  • Module 6: Motivating Adults and the Next Step for Implementation.

Wood Badge Training Modules (Unit Leader Training) for the  Initial, Basic and Advanced Levels. These are suggestions, each NSO has the authorization to develop their own training that addresses the needs of its volunteers. WOSMs Wood Badge Framework has guidelines to assist and is available for further information. See 

Training Modules on the Wood Badge Course (Unit Leader Training) for the  Initial, Basic and Advanced levels.

The Training Modules aims to develop Unit Leaders who are skilled in working effectively with young people and other adults in Scouting.  

The Topics are divided into 5 Modules as follows:

  • Module 1: Scouting Essentials (Fundamentals)
  • Module 2: Scouting Skills
  • Module 3: Youth Programme
  • Module 4: Leadership and Management
  • Module 5: Scouting and the Organizational Environment
Training Modules for Assistant Leader Trainers and Leader Trainers

The World Adults in Scouting  Policy gives great flexibility to NSOs to develop its training scheme/programmes. They can best satisfy the particular needs of their own adults by providing modern training techniques and increase their emphasis on the Training of Trainers programme based on local situations or cultural circumstances.

The scheme for the Training of Trainers requires the development of two or three-stage progressive levels of training.

The Two-Stage Approach

The first stage aims to train Assistant Leader Trainers (3-Beads) and the second stage aims to train Leader Trainers (4-Beads). In some countries, the first stage is broken into two stages, thus giving Three-Stage Training.

In such a case, the first stage focuses on training course Helpers who have the potential to be developed as Assistant Leader Trainers, the second stage, training of Assistant Leader Trainers, and the third stage, training of Leader Trainers. The Wood badge framework has additional options that can be adapted by NSOs regarding the training of trainers. 

For Assistant Leader Trainers the aim of the training modules is to:

  • Introduce the principles, methods and techniques of training.
  • Identify the purpose of adult training.
  • Demonstrate the methods, techniques used, and their application in the interpretation of local policies and procedures in National Associations.

For Leader Trainers the aim of the training modules is to:

  • Provide an opportunity for the sharing of experiences in the consideration of advanced training methods,
  • Demonstrate and develop new training methods
  • Examine, review, and evaluate existing training methods and techniques with the objective of recommending improvements. 

The topics are divided into 5 modules as follows: 

  • Module 1: Scouting Essentials (Fundamentals)
  • Module 2: Training Skills
  • Module 3: Adult Learning Skills
  • Module 4: Leadership and Management Skills
  • Module 5: Personal Development Skills
Training Modules for Leaders of Adults/Commissioners 

The aim of the training modules is to provide an opportunity for Leaders of Adults (Commissioners, Group Leaders, and other Adults in Scouting) who have not completed the Unit Leader Wood Badge Training. 

It is strongly suggested that they complete the Topics from the Basic Level Unit Training before commencing this Training. This is also open to professional staff within the NSO, who may wish to take advantage of this training and earn the Wood Badge. 

The topics are divided into 4 Modules as follows:

  • Module 1: Scouting Essentials (Fundamentals)
  • Module 2: Leadership and Organizational Management Skills
  • Module 3: Learning Skills
  • Module 4: Scouting and the Organizational Environment

The above Modules and their related Core Topics serve as guidelines. However, while allowing flexibility to suit local needs, we strongly recommend that the Core Topics be covered in your training courses.

More content on each module is accessible online in the Training 101 section.

Visit also:

Adult Training

Training 101

Wood Badge Framework

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