World Adults in Scouting Policy

The aim of the World Adults in Scouting Policy is to support the Mission of Scouting. This is achieved by improving the quality of leadership at all levels through the provision of better support and management for adults, resulting in better services for young people.

The strategic outcomes of the implementation of Adults in Scouting policy are:

  • better programmes for young people (Youth Programme)
  • improved effectiveness, commitment and motivation of adult leadership (Adults in Scouting)
  • more effective and efficient organisations (Organisational Development)
  • a competitive advantage and impact on social or external well-being.

‘Adults in Scouting’ is a systematic approach for supporting adults in order to improve the adult leadership so that better programmes are supported in the delivery by and for young people. It also enhances the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the organisation.

The World Adults in Scouting Policy targets adults, particularly those at national level with responsibility for developing, implementing, and reviewing adult management systems and procedures. 

Conceived as a tool to strengthen unity in the Movement through a series of common requirements, it is based on the principle of voluntary adherence to the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and underpinned by a clear set of values regarding the involvement of volunteers. 

The Policy:

  1. Recognizes and enhances the youth-centred, volunteer-based and volunteer-led nature of the Scout Movement
  2. Values the unique contribution of volunteers to achieving the purpose of the Movement
  3. Acknowledges that volunteering is a beneficial experience for adults and young people and the wider communities in which they live
  4. Reinforces the commitment of all levels of World Scouting to ensure equal access to high-quality volunteering opportunities and equal treatment of volunteers in all our practices
  5. Reinforces the need to be inclusive of all members, and to encourage, recognize and celebrate the diversity of its membership – adults and young people, and ensures that its membership reflects the composition of each of the local communities where Scouting operates
  6. Provides a framework to be used to manage professional staff and recognizes their contribution in supporting volunteers

The World Adults in Scouting Policy sets recommendations for NSOs on how to adapt the Policy to align with the position of WOSM, while at the same time creating a framework that best responds to their reality at the national and grass-roots level, based on the Fundamental Principles of Scouting.

See also:

World Adults in Scouting Policy

Mission and Vision of Scouting

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