Here you can find links to additional external resources related to some Scoutship core content:
Adult recruitment
The Scout Association: Recruiting from a distance
Volunteer Recruitment: Strategies for Getting the Volunteers You Need
5 Ways To Recruit More Volunteers For Your Nonprofit
3 Ways to Recruit Volunteers for Your Nonprofit
Six steps of Recruitment guide
Scouts Australia recruitment methods
The Best Recruiting Strategy Is the “We Find You” Approach
Scouts Canada Assessment questionnaire
The Scout association: Recruiting and retaining volunteers
BSA: Recruiting tips in the time of Coronavirus (and after)
Recognition of Prior Learning (Example from Australia)
Recognition of Prior Learning (Example from Canada)
Useful Reading:
- Rick Lynch and Steve McCurley (1989) “Essential Volunteer Management” Interpub Group, ISBN: 978-1895271-63-8
- Evers, A. (2016) The meaning of volunteering: The general and constant versus the differentiation and shifting. Foundations of Science, 21 (2) 339–342.
- Rutherford, P.D., (2013). Inside RPL: The Trainer’s Guide to Recognition of Prior Learning. Self-published. P D Rutherford & Associates Pty Ltd
Training Adults
Training Needs Analysis:
A comprehensive guide to training needs analysis
Why do you need to do training needs analysis (TNA) for your organisation?
What is a Training Needs Analysis?
Useful Reading:
- What Training Needs Analysis Is And How It Can Benefit Your Organisation. K Morrison, (2019), eLearning Industry:
Designing Training / Training Courses:
How to Create an Effective Training Program – 8 Steps
How to Design Training (Click ‘Blink Topics’)
Designing a Training Program (well worth a look!)
Evaluating Training / Measuring Impact:
Kirkpatrick’s Training Evaluation Model (Search under)
How to Measure the Effectiveness of Corporate Training
The importance of evaluating training effectiveness
Useful Reading:
- Explore the work of Malcolm Knowles (2005) and his six assumptions about adult learning. Well worth a look.
Adult leadership
Global Definitions of Leadership and Theories of Leadership Development: Literature Review
Useful Reading:
- Hartley, J. & Hinksman, B. (2003). Leadership development a systematic review of the literature. London: NHS Leadership Centre, pp. 1–78.
- Hersey, P. & Blanchard, K.H. (1974) So you want to know your leadership style? Training and Development Journal, 28, 22-3
- Price, T.L. (2003). The ethics of authentic transformational leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 14, 67-81.
- Rauch, C. F., & Behling, O. (1984). Functionalism: Basis for an alternate approach to the study of leadership. In J. G. Hunt, D. M. Hosking, C. A. Schriesheim, & R. Stewart (Eds.), Leaders and managers: International perspectives on managerial behavior and leadership (pp. 45-62). New York: Pergamon Press.
- Russell, R. & Stone, A. (2002). A review of servant leadership attributes: developing a practical model. Leadership and Organisational Development Journal, 23, 145-57.
- Seijts, G. (2014). Good leaders learn lessons from lifetimes of leadership. New York: Routledge.
- Seijts, G. (2015). How do leaders learn to lead? The European Business Review, January–February, 79 – 81.
Adult motivation
Great tips to motivate adult-learners
Various elements of motivation
Six strategies to maintain employee motivation
Importance of motivation in Human Resource Development
Several important types of motivation in management
Ideas on how to motivate and inspire your team to achieve better results
Self-determination Theory: Understanding Human Motivation for Fun and Profit
Performance management and Recognition
Several Performance Management topics mainly related to the HR sector but possible for Scouting
Several ways to improve performance management programs
Revisiting gaols, feedback, recognition and performance success in project teams
Informal Recognition Ideas for Employees
Useful Reading:
- Nelson, B. (2005). 1001 Ways to Reward Employees: 100’s of New Ways to Praise!, 2nd edition. New York: Workman.
- Peterson, S. J. and Luthans, F. (2006). The impact of financial and nonfinancial incentives on business – unit outcomes over time. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91, 156–165.
Decisions for the future
Useful Reading:
- Bruce W Tuckman and Mary Ann C Jensen. Group & Organization Studies, December 1977, 2(4),419-427 (links with ‘governance and organisational development’ can be made, stressing the human side, as against the technical or organisational perspective).
- Timothy J. Galpin – The Human side of Change
- Dan & Chip Heat – Switch
- Steffan Seykens – Circle of Change
- John Spencer – Who moved my cheese
Guide to Peer Support, Coaching and Mentoring
Coaching Skills, Coaching Techniques – Ultimate Guide MBM (excellent – simply set out, uses a number of models to illustrate that can easily be translated to Scouting).
A Manager’s Guide to Coaching – Mind Tools (Another excellent and relevant reference, in ‘bite-size chunks’ for ease of use).
Useful Reading:
- Coaching for Performance: The Principles and Practice of Coaching and Leadership 5th Ed., Sir John Whitmore (2017). This is where business coaching really took off and is as good and relevant today as it was when it was first written.
- 50 Top Tools for Coaching: A Complete Toolkit for Developing and Empowering People. Gillian Jones & RO Gorell (2018). A very practical book of coaching tools suitable for various different coaching scenarios.
- OSCAR Coaching Model. Andrew Gilbert and Karen Whittleworth (2002).
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 25th Anniversary Ed. Stephen Covey (2018). There are some great coaching tools in here and some great ideas about listening.
Mentoring and peer support
Mentoring Program Handbook for Mentees and Mentors
Mentoring How to Guide (PDF) – ACIPA