Adults in Scouting Life Cycle

The approach set out in the World Adults in Scouting Policy recognises the concept of a Life Cycle in every role or function undertaken by an adult in Scouting. 

It is a holistic and systematic approach that gives careful consideration to all aspects of the management of adults in the Movement and includes attracting the adults we need and supporting them in their role or function, assisting them in their development and in their choices for their future. One or multiple life cycles cover all stages and components in the lifespan of an adult in the Movement.

The Adult Life Cycle highlights all aspects of the management of adults in the Movement such as:

  • Recruiting the adults we need
  • Supporting adult volunteers in their performance and development
  • Assisting adult volunteers in making decisions for their future
DescriptionNSO ResponsibilityAdult Perspective
Recruitment is the process of sourcing the adults needed to accomplish the different tasks, jobs, and functions required by the NSOThe NSO has an ongoing availability of adults at all levels with the competencies needed to implement a variety of rolesOnce attracted, adults go through an open and transparent process from Selection to Integration, to Mutual Agreement.
DescriptionNSO ResponsibilityAdult Perspective
Performance is the action or process of performing a task or function.The NSO should put in place systems and measures to support the good performance of adults (Induction, Training, In-service Support and Performance Management).Adults should strive for their best performance using all available training and resources to develop personal excellence (competencies). 
DescriptionNSO ResponsibilityAdult Perspective
Being able to make decisions for the future ensures mobility and flexibility across roles and functions and, at the same time, provides more opportunities for adults to participate at all levels.The organisation should use this tool to put the right adults in the right positions at the right time, keeping them satisfied and committed to Scouting. Decisions for the Future helps adults to stay focused, motivated and further committed beyond their comfort zone for a win- win situation. 

Recognition can be used every time we gather to recognise the achievements and contributions of individuals, teams and workgroups. It appears in all phases of the AiS Life Cycle.

DescriptionNSO ResponsibilityAdult Perspective
Recognition is the permanent process of acknowledging adults’ contribution and progress, based on demonstrated performance and personal progression.The NSO should be aware that recognition is critical for increasing adults’ engagement, leading to higher retention in the long run. Adults expect to be recognized and appreciated for successfully delivering on the Mutual Agreement. 

See also:

Managing the AiS Life Cycle

World Adults in Scouting Policy

Adult in Scouting Life Cycle e-learning

AiS Self-assessment Tool

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